Thursday, April 25, 2013

Photo challenge - flowers (on the perfect date - lol)

Flowers - Even though we are just now getting our first taste of spring on APRIL 25th, I'm past ready for summer.  And with summer comes good times, good smells, and good things to look at.  Here's a good reminder from last summer!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

photo challenge -cold is for the birds

Sure, I'd love to be posting gorgeous spring photos, but as they say, winter is for the birds!  It's April, but it's snowing in Nebraska so I figured I might as well go with my favorite winter bird:  Mr. Penguin.  He always looks a little cranky just like me and he walks wide.  Again...

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

photo challenge - pet peeves

This week's theme is pet peeves.  My list is too long to even begin to count:  slow drivers in the fast lane, dirty socks left next to the recliner, unparented children, having to pay taxes while other people do nothing and get money from the government.  Needless to say, the list is endless but probably at the very top of it is cleaning!  There are few things in this world that I like less than cleaning and it pisses me off that those dust bunnies start coming back the second you finish collecting them.  Damn those beasts!  And tell me you don't agree! :)